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Today, my topic is,“On cooperation.”

Families specialize in their tasks by dividing the work among the different members according to what they are best qualified to do.


For example,mothers  cook, children wash dishes and make beds, fathers mow the grass and paint the house. By doing the same thing again and again, and  by  close cooperation, a family is able to work faster and get more work done than if just one does many kinds of tasks.

Similarly, it is“cooperation”that makes our complicated modern society work.


The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt societies where everybody is miserable.


  So, money does not necessarily mean h***iness. It all depends on how it is used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to h***iness l Although money cannot buy h***iness, it can make h***iness possible if it is employed sensibly.


1. 跨文化交流:探讨如何在国际交流中理解和尊重不同的文化背景,并建立有效的沟通渠道。


2. 科技未来:讨论科技对社会、教育和职业的影响,以及未来的发展趋势和挑战。

3. 社会问题:探索当代社会面临的问题,如环境污染、***、贫困等,呼吁大家共同关注和解决这些问题。

4. 个人成长与发展:分享个人成长经历、学习方法和职业规划,鼓励大家寻求自我提升和追求理想。

5. 健康与幸福:探讨身心健康的重要性,共享保持幸福和平衡的生活方式和心理健康知识

6. 教育与创新:讨论教育体系改革,以及如何培养创新思维、实践能力和适应未来变化的教育模式

7. 媒体与信息传播:谈论媒体的角色、责任和影响力,以及如何在信息时代中正确处理和利用媒体。

8. 平等与多样性:探讨性别、种族、宗教和性取向等多样性议题,倡导平等和尊重的社会态度。


标签: 演讲 主题 英语