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  1. 写一篇关于你曾经参加过的歌咏比赛的英语文章?
  2. 参加英文比赛的一分钟自我介绍?


Hello,every one,I'am Wang Ying,I'am a student in a village school,I like sing -ing and I can sing very well .Others say I h***e a good voice.On children's day of this year,our school held a singing competition.Lots of students took part in it,I did it,too.I sang "I and my contry" and I won the first prize. When the teacher shouted out my name ,I h***e a strong feeling of satisfaction .I know my effort is worth.

Title: The Memory of a Singing Competition
Once upon a time, I participated in a singing competition, a cherished memory etched in my heart. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as I stood on the stage, microphone in hand. The melody of the song filled the air, and I felt the music course through my veins. Each note, each phrase, was a journey of emotion and expression.
As I gazed out into the audience, I saw faces aglow with ***reciation and heard cheers that filled me with warmth. The competition was not just about winning; it was about connecting with others through the universal language of music. That day, I learned a valuable lesson: to never be afraid to express oneself through the voice of the heart.



1 是非常重要的。
2 在一分钟的时间内,你可以评委和观众展示你的英语水平和个人特点,给他们留下深刻的印象。
3 通过自我介绍,你可以表达自己兴趣爱好、学习经历和未来目标,让人们更好地了解你。
4 此外,通过参加英文比赛的自我介绍,你还可以提升自信心和演讲能力,为将来的表达和交流打下坚实的基础
5 因此,是一个展示自己和锻炼自己的绝佳机会,值得努力准备和参与。



标签: 英语 介绍 比赛