
dfnjsfkhak 11 0


  1. 我的学校生活即将结束英语作文?
  2. 一切该结束了的英文?


I 'll never forget you and our co-experience in the classroom or in our shool playground.

Although we may go to a diffferent school and will h***e diferent teachers and clas***ates,I believe that our friendship will not fade at all just because of our separation.

Every one must h***e his own life and there is no friends that can be together forever,only what can defend the time is the most cherished friendship that belongs to us all.

Faced with the separation,we don't need to be sad as we know we will live a wonderful life in a new and unknown place,maybe when you get some excellent achievments,I truly believe that I will be the first man to be told and I will be the first man to send congratulation to you.


一切都结束了释义:It's all over网络:一切都结束了 Es ist vorbei一切都要结束了 Everything has to end昨天一切都结束了 Tomorrow is all there is


标签: 结束 英语 一切