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  1. 小学英语简短告别演讲?
  2. 小学英语听说课用ppp还是pwp模式?


关于这个问题,Dear teachers and friends,

Today is a special day as it marks the end of our time together in primary school. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the teachers who h***e taught us and helped us grow over the years.


I also want to thank my clas***ates for being such great friends. We h***e shared many h***y memories together, and I will always cherish them.

As we move on to the next chapter of our lives, I wish everyone the best of luck and success. Let's always remember the lessons we h***e learned and continue to strive for excellence.

Thank you, and goodbye!


  I study in grade six and I will be a middle school student soon. I need to le***e my campus and go to another city. Le***ing the place that I h***e stayed for six years is a little sad. But thinking about the new life and the new challenges, I feel excited. it is hard to say goodbye sometimes, but it means growing up.



在小学英语听说课中使用PPP(Present, Practice, Produce)模式是较为常见的。这种模式包括以下步骤
1. Present(呈现):教师通过展示、解释或示范引入新的单词句型语法知识,并让学生理解其含义和用法。
2. Practice(练习):教师以一系列练习来帮助学生巩固新学的知识,例如,让学生进行口头练习、对话、角色扮演等。
3. Produce(产出):最后,学生可以应用他们所学的知识,进行真实的交流活动,如小组讨论、演讲等。
PWP(Present, Work, Practice)模式也常用于听说课,它比PPP模式更加侧重实际应用,强调学生独立思考和主动参与。该模式包括以下步骤:
1. Present(呈现):教师向学生介绍一个话题,让学生了解基本背景,并激发学生的兴趣
2. Work(工作):学生在老师的指导下进行一系列任务和活动,例如,听力练习、阅读材料、问题解答等,以帮助学生理解内容
3. Practice(练习):学生使用新学的知识和技能,与同伴进行合作或交流,并尝试应用到实际生活中。



标签: 小学英语 学生 模式