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  1. 二人英语辩论文稿?
  2. esdp英语演讲比赛含金量?
  3. 英语辩论的优点?


  I shall at tempt to convince you that the place of women is in the home. The family is the unit of society and the mother is the center of the family. How can the family keep together if the mother is out at work all day?

  The *** recognizes the need for women to be in the home by giving taxation concessions for the housewife.Every year, we also celebrate Mother~ s Day with gifts and with songs and poems praising motherhood.


  It can be seen that with the accelerating deterioration eviden in family life today, the time is not far distant when,with the dis***earance of the family, the human race will cease to exist.

  In any case, women prefer to be at home. No person really wants to work. To be able to sit at home and gossip or read is every woman's ambition. It would be a kindness to forbid women to work outside the home.

  From these arguments, there can be no dou*** that society is best served when women are compelled to stay at home and look after their children.




全国小学生英语演讲与辩论五项大赛(English Speech and Debate Pentathlon,简称ESDP ),是由21世纪英语上海组委会主办,面向全国中小学生的综合性英语思辨能力大赛,包括演讲、辩论、面试写作主持五项赛事,旨在配合教育部贯彻落实关于素质教育英语教学改革精神,激发广大学生学习英语的兴趣,促进中小学生英语思辩能力和水平得全年提高




1. 提高英语水平:参与英语辩论可以提高英语听、说、读、写各方面的能力。在准备辩论的过程中,参与者需要阅读大量资料,撰写发言稿,倾听对方观点并用英语回应。这些都有助于增强英语综合运用能力。

2. 培养批判性思维能力:英语辩论可以培养批判性思维能力,因为参与者需要分析论点,评估证据,提出质疑并进行有效的反驳。这些技能对于学术研究、解决问题和决策过程至关重要。

3. 提高沟通技巧:英语辩论可以帮助参与者提高公开演讲、口才和沟通技巧。在辩论过程中,参与者需要保持清晰的思路,有效地传达自己的观点,同时尊重对方的观点。这些都是宝贵的社交和职业技能。

4. 培养团队协作:英语辩论可以培养团队协作能力。在团队辩论中,参与者需要共同讨论策略,分配任务,互相支持以达成共同目标。这对于增强团队精神和协作能力大有裨益。


标签: 英语 辩论 演讲