
dfnjsfkhak 44 0


  1. 四年级英语对话五人对话?
  2. 2人英语购物情景对话10句?


A: Hi, everyone! How was your weekend?

B: It was great! I went to the park with my family.


C: That sounds fun. I stayed at home and played video games.

D: I went swimming with my friends. It was so refreshing.

E: I visited my grandparents and had a delicious dinner.


A: Wow, sounds like we all had a fantastic weekend. Let's share more next time!

Jim;Hello!Tom,this is my friend Jane.Tom;Hi,Jane.Jane;Hi,Tom.How are you?Tom;I am fine,thanks.Jim;Tom,who is the womam with long straight black hair?Tom;Oh,she is my little sister Lyli.Hi,Lyli,please come here.Lyli;Hi,Tom.Tom;This is my new friend Jane.Lyli;Hi,Jane,how do you do Jane;How do you do?How is it going?Lyli;It is going well.Thanks .


 如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语对话技巧也是很有必要的。今天在这里为大家分享一些两人英语购物对话短文希望这些英语对话对大家有所帮助。What can i do for you?I would like to look at some watch。May I show you the glod ones .Pure gold ones please.OK here they are。What is the price for this one。One thousand yuan。


A: Excuse me, do you h***e pen?

B: Yes, we do. what  colour  do  you like ?

A: I   like   white   pen

B: OK   here  is  a   white   pen

A  How   much   is   it

B  It  is  8    dollar

A   Here   you  are

B: Alright, 


标签: nbsp 对话 英语