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  1. 介绍中国传统文化给外国朋友的英语作文?
  2. 关于保护中国传统文化的英语好句?


Hello, everyone. i am Lucy. i feel greatly honored to give you a speech about Chinese teaditional culture. As we all know, China, with a long history, has a diversity of traditional cultures, among which i will mainly talk about Spring Festival.

The Chinese Spring Festival falls on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year. During the festival, all the family members will get together to h***e a big meal. According to the tradition, people usually visit their relatives and friends to give their wishes and always some lucky money to children.


That is all.Thank for you listening



1.The Temple of He***en (天坛) is the largest intact alter temple(坛庙) of China. The Temple of He***en used to be a place where emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshiped and offered sacrifices to He***en(祭天)to pray for good harvests and fine rain(五谷丰登、风调雨顺).



2.The Fragrant Hill(香山)looks very much like a censer(香炉), often girdled (环绕) by wisps of spiraling (缭绕) mist as if it were giving out incense-***oke hence it was called the “Censer Hill”(“香炉山”). Later, it was shortened as the “Fragrant Hill”.



3.The Beihai Park (北海公园) is located to the west of the Jingshan Park (景山公园) . The existence of the park can be traced back to the mid-eleventh century when a temporary royal residence named “Yaoyu”(瑶屿) was built here during the Liao Dynasty.


标签: 中国 传统文化 英语